For couples with children, it may be agonizing to make the decision to end a marriage. Some couples in Arizona may decide to stay together for the sake of the children rather than to divorce. That might be the right decision, but in some circumstances, it might not be what’s best for the children. It’s a difficult decision. Whatever a couple decides is going to come with strong emotions.
Some experts on parenting say it might not be in the best interests of the children for a couple who is constantly angry, arguing, and yelling at each other to stay together. It can be more harmful to children to see their parents acting this way toward each other than if their parents separated. The bottom line is, if the parents can’t live together and co-parent positively together, it’s best for the children if the parent’s divorce and the children spend time in two homes.
If the parents’ relationship is abusive, there is no question it is better for the children if their parents are apart. If the marriage is beyond repair, even after getting help from counselors, and a strong bond doesn’t exist between the mother and father, perhaps both individuals would be better parents living in separate spaces. Parents want to be parenting role models for their children, after all.
Two happy parents who have been through a divorce are far more healthy to be around children than two parents who continue to live together in misery. If one or both parents have already checked out of the marriage emotionally, they may only be wreaking havoc with their children’s memories. It might be time for each person to seek independent legal advice from an Arizona attorney.