Juvenile Law

Legal Help For Accusations Of Abuse Or Neglect

At RPM Law, our attorneys have dealt extensively with cases involving DCS in Family and Juvenile courts. We know what to expect during the investigation and the legal process when a parent faces accusations of mistreating a child. We will work hard to investigate the facts and offer advocacy to deal with allegations.

Help For Those Worried About A Child

If you are aware that a child you love is in a desperate situation, you may not want to be the one who sits back and waits for tragedy to strike. However, what are your options? Do you have any right to intervene?

We can guide you through the steps of seeking the guardianship of a child who is significant in your life. Whether there is substance abuse in the home, or the child is a victim of physical violence, you certainly want what is in the child’s best interests. You may be eligible to seek guardianship of the child to provide a safe, nurturing environment until the situation can be resolved.

Child Abuse Lawyer

Time May Be Of The Essence

When legal issues involve the well-being of children, the courts act quickly. Without appropriate legal counsel, your rights may be at risk. For the best chances of a more positive and successful resolution to your Family and Juvenile Law issues, contact our firm at 520-740-1802 for a initial consultation with an experienced lawyer.

Do You Need Representation For Your Family?

We’re straight shooters; if the situation is bad, we won’t sugarcoat it.
We’ll tell you what you need to know to make good decisions for you and your family.