Arizona parents who divorce may choose to work together and co-parent their children. This arrangement is often beneficial for the children because it allows them to maintain strong relationships with both parents and be with both of them for substantial amounts of time. Even when agreeing to work together, co-parenting can be a complicated and difficult child custody arrangement.
If co-parenting is the right choice for a family, one of the primary goals should be to keep the best interests of the children as the main priority above all else. Putting the kids in the center and the focus on them will remove some of the attention the parents may be giving to their own temporary hard feelings toward each other. They will have to set these feelings aside as they work together to make decisions that are best for the kids.
It will also be helpful to present a unified front to the kids. While their parents are no longer married, kids will benefit when they see their parents working together. This also helps prevent making the kids feel as if they are in the middle of their two parents or have to choose between them.
Child custody is one of the most sensitive aspects of an Arizona divorce. This is why parents will want to think carefully about any decisions they make before moving forward, even if they think they want to co-parent. It may be beneficial to discuss concerns and parenting goals with experienced legal professionals before making any important decisions.